Switching frequency  electrical and electronic devices such as motor drives generate heat as a byproduct of their operation. When the heat load of the electrical devices within an enclosure exceeds the heat dissipation achieved through natural convection, the temperature inside the enclosure will rise. The performance and lifespan of electrical devices will degrade as temperature increases, this excessive heat must be removed in order to keep the temperature within acceptable operating limits. The “rule of thumb” warns that for every 10° C over their rated temperature limit, the life expectancy for electrical components gets cut in half.

Excessive temperature inside the enclosure not only shortens the life of electronic  and electrical components, also cause explosions and serious injury too

In condensation, it is always a problem for electrical – electronic equipment, because moisture causes corrosion, reduces durability, increases the risk of short circuit, equipment failure.. It is possible to regulate air of the environment by preventing condensation with cooling and ventilation units.

When convection cooling fails to successfully regulate temperature in an enclosed environment, cooling units can preserve the lifespan and performance of enclosed electrical components. We are able to increase the life and maintain the performance of your electronic and electrical devices with our ventilation -cooling solutions  In order to prevent the risk of safety and efficiency, we design and implement the design of ventilation and cooling systems in the most appropriate way.
